Show HN: I'm building a Strava alternative without all the social media crap I'm working on , a web app to manage, visualize and compare your running, hiking, mountainbiking, skiing... activities. Some features include: a github-style calendar heatmap, 3D visualization of tracks (especially useful for hill climbs and mountaineous terrain in general), a world map displaying all your activities at once. Excluded features: although you can share yoir tracks to the world, should you choose so, there are no friends, no likes, no comments, i.e. none of that social networking stuff. And no ads. Any feedback is appreciated, let me know what you think, what to improve! April 22, 2023 at 11:53PM
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Show HN: I'm building a Strava alternative without all the social media crap
Show HN: I'm building a Strava alternative without all the social media crap
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